Pangaea Adventures in Valdez, Alaska
Sea Kayak, Raft, Hike, Camp Guiding & Water Taxi Service in Prince William Sound
Sale includes everything needed to run the business, including office and gear shed strategically positioned on the harbor where we also keep premier moorage on the tour dock, 2 passenger vessels (25pax and 16pax) with current Coast Guard Certificates of Inspection (COI), all kayaks, rafts, paddling and camping equipment, tools, vans, busses, trailers, and all intangible property such as strong brand name, extensive website, office property lease, permits, good business relationships, solid customer base, upstanding employee relations, and proprietary operating knowledge base. Also included is a 3 bedroom home and large garage for business housing and gear/boat storage located on 1.44 acres in a highly desirable area of town. Owner will consider a sale of business separate from the property or a lease option for the property.
Contact Pangaea Adventures