Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation (SOAR) Act
Improving the permitting process for outfitters, guides and other outdoor leaders on public lands
The permitting authority for outfitting and guiding permits, which is currently included in the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA), is sunsetting every year with little prospect for long-term reauthorization. SOAR breaks out the permitting authority and renews it as an amendment to FLREA and makes important changes to simplify and improve permitting processes to enable more access for outfitters and organized groups. New permitted uses of public lands are rarely authorized because permitting processes have become unnecessarily complex and costly in some agencies. Land managing agencies are not even authorized to work together to issue one permit for a trip that crosses multiple agency boundaries. SOAR is written to make common sense changes to the permitting processes and regulations to enable more access to public lands in a way that increases economic benefits of public lands while continuing environmental protections.
Bill Highlights:
- Reauthorizes outfitter and guide permitting authority for the Forest Service, the BLM, and brings the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Reclamation under FLREA so those agencies can keep permit fees;
- Authorizes agencies to issue one permit when a trip crosses multiple agency boundary, an authorization that includes NPS Commercial Use Authorizations and other agency permits;
- Reauthorizes permit fees and allows use for permit administration and simplifying processes as well as for previously authorized purposes;
- Eliminates fees based on goods and services delivered and consumed off federal lands and authorizes a flat, per person fee to simply permit calculations;
- Authorizes temporary permits to help facilitate access for new uses and provides for conversion to long term permits when appropriate (does not require conversion);
- Sets important deadlines for simplifying and revising permitting processes and regulations, a goal the Forest Service adopted internally but has never been able to deliver on;
- Provides more flexibility for use of permitted capacity by qualified service providers;
- Reforms cost recovery in the Forest Service and the BLM by giving a 50-hour credit for each permit when a group of permits is renewed and provides exceptions to the cost recovery requirement, a practice that the agencies have adopted although it is not authorized in their regulations;
- Prohibits the use of waivers for gross negligence, requires indemnification of agencies by permit holders and allows waivers for ordinary negligence.
SOAR legislation will positively impact many AO members. Support AO’s legislative advocacy efforts to make an investment in the future of our industry.
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Adventure WV
Alaska Guide Collective
American Alpine Institute
American Hiking Society
America Outdoors Association
American Alpine Club
American Fly Fishing Trade Association
American Mountain Guides Association
American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE)
Angler's Covey
Appalachian Mountain Guides
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE)
Association for Experiential Education
Avid4 Adventure
Chicks Climbing and Skiing
Colorado Mountain School
Colorado River Outfitters Association
Exum Mountain Guides
Grand Canyon River Outfitters Association
Dude Ranchers Association
Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association
Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce
Los Alamos Mountaineers
Middle Fork Outfitters Association
Montana Alpine Guides
Montana Outfitters and Guides Association
Montana Wilderness School
Mountain Skills Rock Guides
Nantahala Outdoor Center
National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
New Mexico Council of Guides and Outfitters
New River Mountain Guides
New Mexico Wild
Oregon Outfitters and Guides Association
Outdoor Alliance
Outdoor Industry Association (OIA)
Outdoor Recreation Roundtable
Outdoor Research
Rising Tide Associates
Santa Fe Climbing Center
Seneca Rocks Climbing School
Sierra Mountain Center
Siskiyou Outdoor Recreation Alliance
Suntoucher Mountain Guides
Transforming Youth Outdoors
The Mountaineers
Utah Guides and Outfitters Association
West Virginia Professional River Outfitters
Western Spirit Cycling
Wilderness Society
Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association
YMCA of Los Angeles
YMCA of the USA