America Outdoors strives to deliver resources that outfitter need to run a smooth, compliant business. Below you will find resources for risk management and mitigation, human resources, permitting regulation and more.
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Mar 03, 2025
AO Brief - Federal RIF Effort Taking Toll on Public Land Agencies - Bureau of Land Management, Department of Labor, US Forest Service, National Park Service
Two executive actions, the January 10 Hiring Freeze and the Feb. 11 DOGE Workforce Optimization Initiative, have combined to create a crisis in access to public lands. The impacts from the termination of 800 Bureau of Land Management employees, 1,000 National Park Service employees, (about 5% of the workforce) and 3,500 USFS employees (about 10% of the workforce), have yet to be fully realized.
Feb 26, 2025
NPS Field Memo: Concessioner Insurance Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions - Risk Management, National Park Service
This memorandum revises National Park Service (NPS) policy for concessioners regarding deductibles and self-insured retentions. The NPS is removing the requirement that concession contracts specify deductible and self-insured retention limits for liability and property insurance. This action is being taken to address insurance availability and cost impacts, streamline processes, and better align NPS policy with industry and other Federal agency practices.
Feb 12, 2025
NPS Field Memo - Exculpatory Agreements for Commercial Use Authorizations, Concession Contracts and Leases - Risk Management, National Park Service
According to the revised policy, "all CUA holders (regardless of the level of risk associated with the services being provided) and concessioners and commercial lessees providing high-risk recreation services (as determined by the NPS) will be permitted to ask visitors (i.e., their customers) to sign exculpatory agreements that include VARs, WoLs, and indemnification clauses."
Feb 03, 2025
AO Briefing for President Trump's 2025 Transition Team - Bureau of Land Management, Department of Labor, US Forest Service, National Park Service
MEMBER ONLY RESOURCE - Enhancing Efficiency in the Administration of Permits for Outfitting and Guiding Activities and Enhancing Recreation Access and Economic Benefits from Lands Administered by Federal Agencies presented to President Donald J. Trump Transition Team by Aaron Bannon, Executive Director America Outdoors Association.
Feb 03, 2025
Outfitters Seek Trump Order to Reverse Biden/Obama Minimum Wage Requirements - Department of Labor
MEMBER ONLY RESOURCE - The outfitting and guiding industry is facing unprecedented challenges that threaten its viability and adversely impact public access to outdoor recreation experiences on Federal lands. Substantially increasing labor and insurance costs, in many cases driven by government regulation, have created a dynamic that is unsustainable for the industry.
Nov 14, 2024
ORR Memo: Natural Disasters and Solutions for Supporting Resilient Outdoor Recreation - US Forest Service
ORR Memo - Outdoor Recreation Community Severely Impacted by Hurricane Helene. The Southeast’s outdoor recreation business community has been severely impacted by Hurricane Helene. Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) and its members have been working diligently to convene state and local stakeholders and federal land agencies to inventory the impact of the hurricane on businesses and how recreationists can play an important role in the response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts in the region.
Oct 01, 2024
2015 Wage and Hour Guidelines for Employers - Department of Labor
These Guidelines are intended to provide outfitters with guidance on the wage and hour
provisions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Executive Order No. 13658, which is
applicable to federal contractors. Please note that in certain states stricter wage and hour
requirements may apply. Compliance with federal law does not absolve an employer from
liability under applicable local and state laws. Always check with state laws before implementing
any of the following employment practices.
Oct 01, 2024
DOL New Wage and Hour Rules Slideshow - Ericka Fleetwood, Akerman LLP - Department of Labor
Addressing impact of Executive Order 14026 increased minimum wage on outfitters. Focusing on elimination of exemption for recreational services on Federal Lands (EO 13838) and elimination of tip credit. Understanding federal agency Implementation, extensions, and mitigation. Addressing impact of new Wage & Hour Salary Threshold for White Collar Exemptions.
Results: 75 Records found.